Bi-Annual Spring Meeting / Installation Breakfast
Join us as we welcome and officially install our new and returning Board Members to the Jefferson County Growth Association during the Bi-Annual Spring Meeting/Installation Breakfast. The induction ceremony is usually performed by the Jefferson County Missouri Executive. This event is usually a breakfast and held in the spring. This is a great opportunity for our members to network with friends and colleagues over a delicious breakfast while discussing past and future events as well as current issues within Jefferson County all while meeting the JCGA Board. A special guest speaker is usually in attendance for most meetings.
2024 Installation/Bi-Annual Breakfast

Induction of Oath of Office ~ Board Members April 2023

Induction of Oath of Office ~ Board Members April 2022

Thank you to our Sponsors
Thank you for sponsoring the 2022 Bi-Annual Meeting / Installation Breakfast.
We appreciate all that you do to support the Jefferson County Growth Association.